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"Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more but those giving more"

Whew, it’s been a while since I’ve provided a nonprofit update. We’ve still been working, though!

For our January and February book donations, we collaborated with Frank Guzick Elementary School. In total, we gave 60 books for Dr. Martin Luther King Day and Black History Month. We want to thank all of you who donated to the Black History Month Book donation. The students used those books to complete a Black History project for their class.

March was a fun month. Instead of doing an in-person event, we recognized Read and ebook week, which was done in the first week of March. We had about 20 families sign up, and it was so cute seeing our little Heartbreakers read their ebooks. Thank you to those who submitted pictures!

I cannot believe it’s April already. April is special to us because it’s been one full year since the filing of our 501(c)(3) status. I am so excited to report that in just one year, HHB Literary Donations & Charities has donated approximately 796 books to low-income populations and/or charitable causes. That makes my heart so happy, and we’re so appreciative of EVERYONE who has supported our mission and has donated to the cause. To celebrate our one year anniversary, we’re planning an event in Dallas, Texas. The goal of our event is to inform more community members of HHB and our overall mission and vision. Additionally, we will be hosting a book drive at this time. This will allow us to receive more books to donate. We are so incredibly excited, and if you’re in the Dallas area on April 30, come by and see us. More details will be coming soon.

April is also Autism Awareness Month! As an educator and social worker, I could not let this month go by without acknowledging this very important month. HHB Literary Donations & Charities will be observing this holiday by participating in a sensory-friendly showing of Super Mario Bros at Alamo Drafthouse in Dallas. We are partnering with Parenting in Bliss, an organization dedicated to “empowering families of children with unique learning needs”. I’m pleased to announce that this is a sold-out event, and we anticipate donating 30 books.

As always, thank you so much for all of your continued support. Our goal is to give the gift of literacy to as many people as possible, and we couldn’t do it without the support of you all. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.

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