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Interviewing Kay Shanee

Where did you get your love of books/storytelling/reading/writing/etc. come from?

KS:  Honestly, I have no idea. Growing up, I read a lot because I was grounded most of my childhood. I'm also a talker and storytelling comes naturally. However, I wasn't someone who dreamed of being an author. I kind of fell into it.

Any author(s) that you feel influenced your writing?

KS:  Of course, all the greats from back in the day. Eric Jerome Dickey, Terry McMillian, Toni Morrison, Zane, E. Lynn Harris. However, newer authors like B. Love, Monica Walters, Love Belvin, K.C. Mills.

Can you give us your favorite author(s)?

KS:  Favorite Authors are hard but I listed most of them in #2.

Is the a genre you haven't tried but would like to?

KS:  I'm too scared to step out of my comfort zone, but if I ever did, I'd do urban fiction and thriller/mystery.

How do you research for your books?

KS:  Google! LOL! No seriously, I use google a lot or talk to people who may have experience something I'm writing about.

Being a teacher, what is your work schedule like when you're writing?

KS:  My writing schedule is crazy. It's hard to write during the day because I'm teaching or engaging with my students in some way. Once, sometimes twice a week, I can manage a little free time and write while my students are working but they truly won't leave me alone. In the evening, I write from about 7pm until I go to bed. Unless I have plans, I write all day on the weekends.

If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?

KS:  Adulting is not for the weak. Don't rush to grow up because there's nothing but bills and problems waiting for you. LOL! I would also say, and it may sound cliche, there is nothing you can't do if you put your mind to it.

Which one of your books is your favorite?

KS:  My favorite book by me is Conflicted Heart because of the taboo story line.

What are you working on now?

KS:  I am currently working on a sports romance that will hopefully be out by the time this newsletter drops (or soon after).

Where can readers find out more about you & your work?

KS:  The handle for all my socials (FB, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter) is @authorkayshanee. My website is Thank HHBC for this wonderful feature. I appreciate you all and this opportunity.


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