How long have you been a writer?
MB: I’ve been writing for 9 years, published for 8.
How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?
MB: I’m still trying to figure that number out. I honestly don’t know, especially if you include the books I’ve ghostwritten over the years. It’s over 100. I do know that much.
Heavy-Hearted is my favorite. It was complex. I like complex.
Do you have a favorite character that you have written? If so, who? And what makes them so special.
MB: Hampsher from Heavy-Hearted. I loved her mystery. She wasn’t like any female character I’d ever written. She was a lot to handle and I loved it. Because of her the book took much longer to write (about two years). Had it been a normal female character of mine I could’ve written it in weeks. Days even.
Where do you get your inspiration?
MB: The man’s dick I be riding. All my male characters have a pinch of him. Most have several pinches. In addition, just the life I’ve lived and the things I’ve seen/heard.
How do you handle writer’s block?
MB: I don’t. I just don’t write until it’s over. Not writing or trying helps to relieve me of it altogether.
What is the most difficult part about writing for you?
MB: There’s honestly no part of writing that’s difficult for me. The first 10-15k of a book gives me the most trouble but I wouldn’t consider it difficult. NOT writing is most difficult. Having too many ideas and not enough fingers or hours in the day, that’s difficult for me.
Are you working on anything at the present you would like to share with your readers?
MB: No. Lol. Sharing usually means I’ll never release it. So I try not to share anything anymore. It messes with my creative process.
What books or authors have most influenced your writing style?
MB: There isn’t an author who has influenced my writing style. I write the same way I did in 3rd grade. My vocabulary is just more extensive. That style was nourished by my favorite teacher who I had 3 years in a row 1st-3rd grade. That’s my true influence. Writing/Language Arts/English were always my strongest subjects.
Name your 3 top favorite authors.
MB: I don’t have favorite authors, but I do have authors that I’d rather read.
Takerra Allen
B. Love
Terri Woods
Where can readers find out more about you and your books?
MB: Instagram.com/Urbanbookbae
Mercy B
CEO of Mercy B Publications
Has she only ghost written under Grey Huffington or does she have others?
Not I get my inspiration from the man dick I be riding