1. Where did you get your love of books/storytelling/reading/writing/etc come from?
Since I was younger, I’ve always enjoyed reading. And as a high schooler, I remember writing little fictional stories that featured my friends as characters. But it wasn’t until after college, when I was finally able to read for fun again, that I fell completely in love with reading Black romance novels specifically and then writing them once I tried my hand at it.
2. Any author(s) that you feel influenced your writing?
I wish I had a better memory so I could name names. But all of the authors I read who were writing Black romance in first-person before it became as common as it is today definitely allowed me to see what was possible when it came to crafting my style of storytelling.
3. Are there therapeutic benefits to modeling a character after someone you know?
It’s actually not very often that I model characters after specific people that I know. But looking back on older works, I do find it therapeutic that I was able to honor my grandmother by modeling a few different characters after her before she passed away.
4. What is the most difficult part of your writing process?
Simply having the discipline to sit down at the computer every day and get the words out is a task in itself lol. But besides that, the most challenging part of the writing process for me is dealing with any scenes that are heavily emotional. They’re just as taxing to write as they are for y’all to read!
5. How do you research for your books?
Google and YouTube are my best friends during the writing process. Or if there’s someone I know who has experience in a subject I’m trying to include in a book, then I’ll go to them with a list of questions.
6. What is your work schedule like when you’re writing?
It varies depending on what stage of a project I’m in. In the beginning when it’s more free-flowing, I find it pretty easy to write without many parameters schedule-wise. But as I get deeper into a project, it helps for me to write in 30-minute sprints with a 5-minute break in between for a few hours in the morning and then do the same thing in the afternoon.
7. If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?
Stay consistent, and your tribe will find you <3
8. Which one of your books is your favorite?
OMG that’s like picking a favorite child! But if I HAD to choose, my favorite for the moment is my most recent release, Two Minute Warning.
9. Can you tell us what you are working on now?
I’m actually torn between a couple different ideas for what my next project will be. But once I decide, you can be one of the first to know by following me on social media 😊
10. Where can readers find out more about you & your work?
To learn more about me and my work, readers can visit my website, www.actuallyitsalexandra.com, or follow me on all the social media platforms listed below 😊
Instagram: @booksbyalexandra
TikTok: @actuallyitsalexandra
Twitter: @__actuallyalex
Facebook: /authoralexandraw
YouTube: Alexandra Warren
My girl! Love her!