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Author Spotlight ft. Nadine Frye

Nadine Frye was born and raised in Philadelphia, PA. Growing up in the inner-city never hindered her ability to dream big. Raised in a large family, she and her siblings used their creative minds to have fun by making plays, songs, and anything else they could dream up. In Nadine's younger years, she was often found with her head inside a book more than experiencing the outdoors.

As a teenager, a personal tragedy unleashed a world of sadness and hurt that only her notebook could understand. Songs and poems poured from her soul, providing relief to her heart. She began sharing small pieces with her close circle of friends. It was their encouragement, along with that of her mother and sisters, that motivated her to share her talent with the world. That was the beginning of daring to dream.

She now resides in Akron, OH, where she wears many hats, including that of a mother, and graciously adds the cap of author to her lineup.

Personal Quote:

"Life is about evolving. Each day is a journey, each year is a teacher, and every lesson should be applied."

—Nadine Frye


1. Where do you get your ideas?

My ideas are inspired by life. The trials and lessons I’ve learned through living my human experience. I’ve always viewed life as a teacher. My characters are real and relatable. There is a story to find whatever a person needs to heal, laugh, escape, and remember love.

2. What is your writing process like?

My writing process is chaotic. Sometimes I can just open the laptop and go and then other times I’m arguing with characters about a story’s direction. Sometimes I dream and other times my soul wants to give a message. Some of my stories have caused me to take a hiatus because of the depth of the subject. As I stated it’s chaotic. It can start on paper and end on the laptop. It just depends on what I’m conveying.

3. What are common traps for aspiring writers?

The biggest one in my opinion is not studying the craft. You could have the dopest story in your head but when you put it on paper it’s blubbering. It takes a lot to fashion a story for the masses to enjoy. My first five books were BS and I know my readers could see where I was trying to go but I didn’t execute properly. I’ve rebranded those stories later. I could have avoided it if I took time to study the art before jumping out there.

4. Do you try to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?

I let my stories tell themselves. Catering to your readers likes and dislikes can detract from your creative advantage. I’m a firm believer that readers will read whatever you write if you give them something to love. My readers tell me all the time that reading my books is like a mystery but they know there will be love and a message, and that's what they look forward too.

5. Where can readers find out more about you and your books?

I am on FB, IG, Tik-Tok and Twitter under Nadine Frye. I also offer various author services online

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