1. At what point did you decide you wanted to be an author?
In the aftermath of losing someone close to me, writing honestly became my grieving mechanism in order to create an escape for my mind. It wasn't something that I took seriously because I thought I was just coping even though a lot of people had told me to publish the things I write and that was in 2008. I sat on those works until about 2016 when the short story challenge took over Facebook and the feedback had blown up and I realized myself how dope I was so that fear was placed behind me and I self published blindly not knowing anything about the industry or the steps I needed to take. Even then at that moment I wasn't truly sold on myself until I signed with my first publishing company and I saw the extent of my talent from others that I didn't even know and I realized this was it.
2. Tell us what you enjoy the most about writing?
It is the effect that writing has on others that I enjoy most about writing. As a self-critic, I continually beat myself up about whatever it is I'm working on, but receiving inboxes about how your work touched someone, made them cry, or pulled them out of a dark place is something I relish. That makes me feel extremely good on the inside and keeps me going.
3. Do you have any odd writing habits?
For every book I write, I have to buy a new notebook. I don't know if this is odd or not. No matter how much space is left to use in an old one. I tried to do it electronically on my iPad but the feel is different and I prefer the physical.
4. What is one of your favorite lines from one of your books?
Favorite book quote: From Mended: Pieces of Me “I knew what it felt like to be soulless, I knew first hand how it felt to walk around in a body but not own it. Piece by piece life was taken from me, leaving me empty but oh how I conquered.” ~Isis~
5. Where can readers find out more about you and your work?
Readers can find out more about me by following my reader page on IG: Kyewritez for the more personal side of me for some of my day one readers is my Facebook page Kyeate TheAuthor. My linktree is as follows https://linktr.ee/Kyeate